Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Les Poupées Russes

Last night Jube and I went to see Les Poupées russes, the sequel to L'Auberge espagnole. I really enjoyed L'Auberge espagnole (The Spanish Apartment in the US--and as I was checking for a link, I found that it is known as "Euro Pudding" internationally), and I laughed a lot last night (a "poupée russe" is a Russian nesting doll--matrioshki?). I recommend both movies, they are really very well made. I had a little argument with Jube though about the actions of the main character, Xavier. You see, in both movies, he cheats on his girlfriend (not the same one). I think he's kind of a jerk because of it, but Jube doesn't agree with me. Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't that the normal French attitude towards infidelity?" But I don't like to stereotype, and besides, not many French women I know would put up with it any more than I would. And now that I think back on it, I think that Jube just thought I was funny because I was really very upset with a fictional character.

Tonight is the F
ête de la Musique, when all sorts of musicians play on the streets of every city in France. Two years ago I went out to celebrate at Aigues Mortes, a small medieval town nearby, but it wasn't that amazing. Jube wasn't there because he was in Aix en Provence taking his teaching exam, so I went with his parents, which might have been the reason I didn't think it was the coolest. Tonight we will experience the festivities by prowling the tiny streets of Montpellier's centre ville and hopefully have an amazing time.

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